From lacerations and fractures to whiplash and even paralyzation, auto accidents cause a great deal of long-term physical suffering. In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, it is incredibly important for the sufferer to seek assistance from a trusted chiropractor. The sooner the issues stemming from the accident are addressed, the sooner the patient can eliminate any associated pain.
A preferred chiropractic care provider with the area’s finest insurance companies and attorneys, Performance Chiropractic is an excellent resource for those struggling with the severe pain and suffering attributed to car crashes. The treatments provided at Performance Chiropractic minimize current suffering and reduce the risk of long-term pain, as well as getting the patient back on track without long term pain problems
request an appointmentWhiplash: How Chiropractic Care Can Help
One of the main injuries covered by insurance companies, whiplash is caused by a very sudden extension of the neck, followed by a sudden flexion, or vice versa. This may result in stretched or even torn ligaments, as well as potential disc tears. In rare cases, these ligament and disc issues may be accompanied by fractured or dislocated vertebrae.
Symptoms of whiplash vary from one patient to the next, but may include pain in the neck, shoulders and back. This pain tends to be the most severe when the patient is turning his or her head to the side. In addition to pain and stiffness in the neck, some patients report an aggravating pins and needles sensation in their arms and legs. Headaches are also quite common among whiplash sufferers.
A chiropractor can address the aforementioned concerns through such treatments as spinal manipulation and muscle relaxation. A series of targeted exercises may also be suggested in order to prevent ongoing pain.
Other Auto Injuries Commonly Treated By Chiropractors
Whiplash is just one of several car accident injuries addressed by chiropractors. Victims of auto accidents also may suffer from lumbar radiculopathy, herniated discs, thoracic spine sprains and a wide array of other injuries. With targeted treatment, the most severe pain can typically be eliminated within a few weeks. However, ongoing care may be required to ensure that issues related to the accident do not cause future pain. At Performance Chiropractic, the focus is on not only long-term pain management but the return of proper function. This is ensured through a combination of onsite treatments and exercise recommendations.
If you or a loved one has recently been involved in a car accident and require gentle, yet effective care, consider working with a resource preferred by insurance companies: Performance Chiropractic. There, you will be equipped with the tools you need to keep suffering at bay and return to your healthy active life.